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Great Telephone Technique – Part 2

September 30, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mayer A. Levitt, DMD @ 12:48 am

When a patient calls your office, they have very high expectations that you will be able to help them. Help them to resolve an issue, or help them with answers to questions. And in this microwave society in which we live, they want the answer quickly. My recommendation is to try – at all costs – not to say “no” or “I don’t know” to a patient. Instead remember these nine words – “the best way that I can help you is…” The best way that I can help you is to check with our insurance coordinator and get back to you promptly. The best way that I can help you is to speak with the doctor and return your call later today.

Another pet peeve – and I am certain that all of you have experienced this in numerous situations – is that people don’t listen to you when you are speaking with them on the telephone. Hearing is a sense and just happens automatically. Listening is what we choose to do, and it is a very valuable skill. So listen intently to your patients. Make listening noises so that the patient knows you are engaged like “tell me more” or “uh –huh” or ‘absolutely”. Don’t just nod because they can’t see you.

And finally, welcome the opportunity to handle customer complaints. Research shows that if you can successfully resolve a complaint quickly and courteously, that patient will continue to do business with you and continue to refer patients. So never be confrontational – our customers are always right!